The Bridg’s is an RBA from Wick’d, designed and made in the Philippines. The Bridg’d was super easy to build on. The flavor is excellent. The price of the Bridg’d seems expensive but if you add it all up, the RBA itself, the integrated drip tip, and the button, the price is really a bargain.
If you are looking for information on building the Bridg’d, Ros Mia has a great thread here and here.
There have now been several releases of the Bridg’d, the v1.0, v1.2, and v1.2+ with multiple releases with different engravings. I go in detail on all the differences in this post, “Know your Bridg’d Version”. Some of that info is also mirrored below.
Stash Box Collab (came bundled with a collaboration with BMM’s Stash Box)
Bridg’d v1.2
1.2 Version
RJ Mod /5 Version – (Waffled along with matching RJ Mod panels)
1.2 Blem Version (These were one-offs that weren’t up to RJ’s standards, but the people wanted them anyway. They look just like the normal v1.2 just with imperfections, mostly with the engraving)
Bridg’d v1.2+
1.2+ Version
1.2+ Friends and Family (XXX Serial Number)
NFG Version (No F*CKS Given)
Stash Box Collab Version (came bundled with a collaboration with BMM’s Stash Box)
RJ Mod 1/1 Version
Koala Version
Gold Version
Finale Friends and Family
Specifications and Differences in the Bridg’d Releases.
Bridg’D v1.0
The original Bridg’d 1.0 had the Panda only on the chimney/cap (1 piece design). The Panda did not go across the seam between the base and the chimney.
316L Surgical Stainless Steel base material
Bright Blasted finish
2 cap/chimney (MTL 1.5mm and DL 4.0mm)
5 airflow inserts
1.0 mm
2.0 mm
2.5 mm
3.0 mm
3.5 mm
Bridg’d key
510 adapter tool (Hex socket wrench and 510 nut key)
Panda Button
Integral tip
Spare bag (o-rings and screws)
Bridg’D v1.2
The main differences between the v1.0 and v1.2 was the changes with the 510 adapter, the 2 piece chimney, the drip tip, and the gold plated positive post. The engraving was also changed with a 2 sided design with different Panda graphics.
316L Surgical Stainless Steel base material
Bright Blasted finish
3 piece RBA Design threaded and press-fitted
Ketron PEEK insulators
Cubical shape RBA
2 Chimneys (MTL 1.5mm; RDL/DL
Dual-sided Panda Laser Engraved
Diagonal Chimney Cutout
2 Post design RBA (positive post 2mm x 1.4mm hole; negative post horizontal wire slot)
Gold plated positive post
M2 post screws
Spacious Build Deck
Dual-Sided Juice/wick port
Gold Plated airflow insert/positive pin
1.0 mm
2.0 mm
2.5 mm
3.0 mm
3.5 mm
Updated knurled RBA 510 building adapter
316L concave Panda engraved button
Redesigned 316L DL integral drip tip
Bridg’d key/multi-tool (Hex socket wrench and 510 nut key)
Spare post screws and o-rings
Bridg’D v1.2+
The main difference between the v1.2 and the v1.2+ is a beefier negative post and the gold plating was removed from the v1.2.
316L surgical stainless steel base material
Brush polished finishing
3 piece RBA design threaded and press fitted
Ketron PEEK insulators
Cubical shape RBA
2 Chimneys MTL and RDL
Dual-sided engraving
Diagonal chimney cutout
2 post design RBA
Thick negative post
M2 post screws
Spacious building deck area
Gold plated airflow positive pin inserts
1.2 mm (The v1.2 had a 1.0 mm pin instead)
2.0 mm
2.5 mm
3.0 mm
3.5 mm
Updated knurled RBA 510 adapter tool (Same as v1.2)
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