Billet Box Boro List

Since there are so many after-market Boro tanks hitting the market, I thought it would be a good idea to talk about and list Boro options.

Boro Info

Standard Boro (L), Standard Boro in Black (Mid), and A-Tank (R)

A “Boro” is the removable tank section that comes with the Billet Box, but why is it called a “Boro”? According to a post by Billet Box Vapor in 2014…

…The BoroTank has a machined borosilicate glass face that slides down so you can just dump your juice in. With so many lovingly crafted rebuildable attys and adapters for the BilletBox we really wanted a clear tank to show them puppies off, there just wasn’t a clear plastic up for the job.

Since the earlier tanks had a Delrin (plastic) face, I guess the name just stuck from there.

Borosilicate glass composites are known for having very low coefficients of thermal expansion, making them more resistant to thermal shock than any other common glass.

The Rev 4 Boro is the standard “Billet Box Vapor” made Boro. The ones that come with the Billet Box are white with a red gasket. You can buy a Rev 4 Boro in black from Billet Box Vapor too.

The A-Tank is a Boro that is the same size physically as the standard Rev 4 Boro, but has a larger opening at the bottom to accommodate larger coils. See the A-Tank tab below to see what adapters need the A-Tank. It was initially designed for the Atlantis coils, then BBV made an adapter for the RPM coils. JG, the modder that makes the Delro, created the BriJG that uses PnP and GTX coils built around the A-Tank as well.

The standard boro on left and A-Tank on right

List of Alternative Boro Tanks

Mums Bone Marrow are replacement Boros for your Billet Box. They come in a wide variety of colors and these are the only Boros I use. There are solid white and black Delrin versions, a polycarbonate clear version, and matte and polished versions in several colors.

Besides being able to get a Boro to go with the Billet Box’s color scheme, a huge advantage that the Mums Boros have is that there is no need for a condensation plug.

The prices range from $45 to $76, most of them are $60 straight from Mums.

You can grab Mums Boros from their website when they are in stock.

YEC has been making 3rd party Boros and now they are out with V1.2.

With these new v1.2 Boros, YEC produced a new batch of gaskets and re-design the bottom of the boro to adjust AFC rings easier. Furthermore, there is a front airflow at the bottom for users who use Delro.


  • High quality and special material produced for Vape
  • Quartz Glass (designed for only AIO boros v1.2
  • AFC ring
  • Every boro will come with a clear gasket and 2 o-rings

For more info, please check

The SnailTank is Atmizone’s alternative to the Billet Box Boro Tank rev4. 

It consists of two main parts , a tank section and an adapter (base), plus some extra custom silicon gaskets. The tank section is cross compatible with the VapeSnail tank kit, while the adapter (base) essentially takes the place of the VapeSnail deck to create a hosting base for the Boro bridges. Tank section and adapter together create a form with outer shape which is almost identical with the classic Boro tank.

The SnailTank can be refilled through a large refill hole placed at the front upper side. It allows access to the RBA deck even when almost full with juice, any time, in the case of VapeShell and all bridges with a similar collaboration between chimney and deck (non-threaded, not extra tight via o-ring intervention between the two parts). Last but not least, it features a Chimney Gasket, which is added on the top side of the tank section to adjust the hole to the diameter of Boro standard bridge chimneys and offer some extra advantages. Among other things, it seals with the AIO 510 nut, even if you remove the sealing oring that most nuts or hybrid drip tips have.

This eliminates two issues:

  1. The usual pain when the chimney of the bridge is automatically lifted up while unscrewing the nut / hybrid drip tip 
  2. The bad sealing that most hybrid drip tips present, either because of normal tear and wear, or due to bad choice of orings (or even no presence of orings at all)

Will be available on their website soon.

These Boro tanks come in all sorts of colors and materials, including aluminum.
ProRo tank designed by Protocol, is compatible with most of the devices that use BB boro tank. Front, back, and side airflow.

Armor Mods is the most recent company to come out with a 3rd party Boro replacement. I have heard nothing but good things about them so far.

They are available at various retailers as well as group buys. VapinArt has the in the USA.

• High Grade Delrin & Silicon Seal.
• Tempered Glass ( Laser Engrave Logo ).
• Special design top with notch cut out, easier to pull down the tempered glass for refill.
• Open front bottom design, to let users put any kind of bridges in. Easier to adjust airflow of bridge external AFC and for front airflow devices like the Delro.
• Re-designed side Airhole compatible to original BB Airhole placement.
• Full length glass slide rails to give a more seamless look on Mini Flask devices that use boro at side (for example Harbo-R).

This is a new Boro from Limelight Mechanics. It looks like an All-in-one RBA, but it’s a Boro. It has a fill like an all-in-one instead of glass you have to slide. In addition, it has an airflow control mechanism in the base of the Boro.

This Boro is for sale only in the Limelight Mechanics group and various group buys at this time. The RRP is a very fair 46 EUR.

Space Pods are Boro replacements made by Mission XV.

SPACEPOD v1 – Presenting the world’s first two glass boro.

The SPACEPOD shell will be made in a variety of materials, aluminum, PC, Ultem – with a BOROSILICATE GLASS and a PCTG BACKING (impact and chemical resistant).

SPACEPOD maintains perfect tolerances, it fits in cerakoted and anodized Billet Boxes, it looks hot in dual cutout mods, and it adds some extra depth and sleekness in single cutout mods.

Coil List for Boro Tanks

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