Happy Halloween

I hope everyone has an awesome and safe Halloween.

Thanks to Billet Box Vapor for adding a couple of Halloween-themed boxes to the lineup and for finally finding an orange color to use!

The boxes were sold over the last few weeks starting with the Candy Corn, which was a Lab Rat with orange G10 panels on one side and yellow on the other.

Next up were the Ghoul boxes.

The Ghoul is a new variation of the Mantis, but I decided to make it have its own listing since it could get confused with the Mantis. It was created with the spirit of Halloween in mind. The Pumpkin Ghoul has the same base coat as the Mantis, but has orange and purple splats instead of black. The Paua Ghoul has purple splats only.

Finally, on Halloween weekend, they released the Franken Kürbis. This one is using the new orange and I believe this will be a one-and-done until next year… BUT I THINK THAT THIS ORANGE COLOR IS HERE TO STAY.

I hope everyone got what they were after and Happy Halloween!

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