Billet Box FAQs
Here is an ever-growing list of Billet Box FAQs that I am putting together as I go. If you have any suggestions to add, feel free to contact us.
The Frequently Asked Questions we cover here are general and almost all exclusive to the Billet Box Rev 4. If there is more interest in information about earlier models, let us know.
General Boro Related Frequently Asked Questions
A “Boro” is the removable tank section that comes with the Billet Box, but why is it called a “Boro”? According to a post by Billet Box Vapor in 2014…
…The BoroTank has a machined borosilicate glass face that slides down so you can just dump your juice in. With so many lovingly crafted rebuildable attys and adapters for the BilletBox we really wanted a clear tank to show them puppies off, there just wasn’t a clear plastic up for the job.
Since the earlier tanks had a Delrin (plastic) face, I guess the name just stuck from there.
Borosilicate glass composites are known for having very low coefficients of thermal expansion, making them more resistant to thermal shock than any other common glass.
The stock Billet Box Vapor Rev 4 Boros are white with red gaskets. The A-Tank is black with a red gasket.
Other than that, the main difference between the Rev 4 Boro and the A-Tank is the opening at the bottom for the positive pin of your coil or RBA. The Rev 4 Boro used to come with the OCC adapter (now SMOK Nord Adapter) and the A-Tank was initially made to work with the Aspire Nautilus coils.
Billet Box Vapor recently released a SMOK RPM coil adapter for use with the A-Tank. There is also a bridge called the BriJG that uses the A-Tank with PNP coils.
The Rev 4b Billet Boxes come with an OCC Coil Adapter. This is what we call a bridge. It allows you to use the Kangertech OCC coils in the Boro. There are literally dozens of bridges available for the Boro tank. These bridges allow you to use many different types of mainstream premade coils. The list of bridges available is way too big to list here.
There are also bridges that are RBAs (Rebuildable Atomizers) and some are capable of providing an RTA or RDA quality vape experience in your Billet Box.
Check out our list of bridges and RBAs
RBA stands for Rebuildable Atomizer.
Examples of RBAs are:
– RDA’s (Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer)
– RTA’s (Rebuildable Tank Atomizer)
In terms of Billet Box, RBA’s are atomizers that are installed inside the Boro tank. Some folks refer to them as RBA’s, bridges, or just atomizers (“atties” for short).
One of the earlier, high-quality RBA’s, called the Exocet, was made by Hellfire (The Attysmith).
In the last few years, there have been some fantastic RBA’s created for the Billet Box.
There are also some RBAs inside of all-in-one devices like the VapeSnail, EVL Alien, and others.
Another type of device for your Billet Box is similar to an RDTA, where the coil is built above the juice reservoir and wicking pulls the juice up to the coil. An example of this type of setup is the Boxxer V2.
Check out our list of bridges and RBAs
A condensation plug or dry plug is an insert that goes under your Boro that helps block condensation that is inherent with the Boro system. Without a condensation plug, condensation can leak down on your display and control plate. With these plugs, the condensation will make its way out of the airflow holes on the side.
The Mum Boros have this functionality built-in. SSPP makes a dry plug that not only blocks condensation, but also soaks up condensation and minor leaks and you can get them in various airflow options.
The Billet Box does not come with a drip tip.
Out of the box, it comes with a drip tip adapter than screws into the top of the box. It is threaded and allows you to use any 510 drip tip. It also holds the Boro in place.
There are 3rd party companies that make integrated or Integral Drip Tips for the Billet Box. These are drip tips that are threaded and eliminate the need for the drip tip adapter.
Billet Box Specific Frequently Asked Questions
The price of the Billet Box hasn’t changed in years.
When you buy a brand new Billet Box, the prices are based on the button that comes preinstalled. The basic buttons, black Delrin, Fish-eye Ultem, and other Delrin colors are the cheapest cost and most people end up going for this. In my opinion, the best-looking stock button and the best value is the SS (Stainless Steel) button. The exotic shell buttons are where the cost increases.
RRP of a Billet Box Ranges from $264 to $299 depending on the button.
See the Stock Button types question for the different types available from Billet Box.
Here’s some quick info about the drops, for a more detailed guide, click here.
Drops/Releases are Saturday mornings:
- 7:30am PST
- 8:30am MST
- 9:30am CST
- 10:30am EST
- 3:30pm UTC
Visit their website and be quick. These things sell faster than you can imagine! Usually, drops are sold out within 5min…but don’t be discouraged! Even seasoned collectors routinely strikeout.
You can typically see the colors available on the site, prior to when the drop becomes available…but this is not always foolproof!
Billet Box Vapor Inc. announces their colors, almost religiously, (the Friday before the drop) via their Facebook page so you can get ready the next morning!
Keep in mind:
- Not all colors/button combos drop in each batch
- Accessories are launched similarly
There are also some other companies that stock Billet Box models brand new, but they sell out just as fast and typically have far fewer units than Billet Box Vapor themselves.
All of the above is the general routine unless BBV posts otherwise…sometimes they do crazy things like drops on Sundays, and/or Cyber Monday (that one time…maybe it was twice).
For more tips, check out this post.
There are many ways to adopt a Billet Box.
- Check out our list of Facebook Groups and join those, check often. Billet Boxes new and used pop up all the time. Some with lots of extras and some pretty much bone stock. Obviously, the larger the bundle you get, the more you’re going to pay.
- Check local groups in your area too. If you find a Billet Box for sale outside of the Billet Box community, you will have a better chance of getting a bargain. Facebook local yard sale style groups, the Marketplace, etc.
- General Vape Forums like ECF and Vaping Underground.
- There is also a Reddit for buy/sell/trade, but I have never used it.
Once you find a deal you want to pursue, be careful not to get scammed.
- There are clones of the Billet Box out there. I plan to post an article at some point on how to identify a clone. I will link it here when published.
- Ask for vouches if you have any doubt – or don’t have any mutual friends.
- If it seems sketchy then back out before exchanging anything.
- Never pay more than you’re comfortable paying (there will always be another).
- Know your RRP for the box and all accessories.
- Feel free to ask your friends or group admins for advice.
On December 31st, 2020, Billet Box switched from anodized colors to Cerakote. Since then, there have been quite a few new and interesting colors for the Billet Box. You can check out all the colors offered in Cerakote in the Billet Box Rev 4C database.
Old List of Pre- Rev 4 and Rev 4 anodized models below.
Some are rarer than others, but here are most of the buttons offered on stock Billet Boxes over the years.
- Black Delrin (example) – No extra cost
- Abalone (example) – Additional $35 over stock price
- Mother of Pearl (MoP) (example) – Additional $35 over stock price
- Gold/Yellow Mother of Peal (MOP) (example) – These are only available with the Fashion Nugget which has one of the weirdest prices of any current Billet Box, $296.47.
- 304 Stainless Steel (Rev 4+ only) (example) – Additional $10 over stock price
- 464 Naval Brass (VERY RARE) (example) – Additional $10 over stock price
- Fisheye Ultem (F-U) (example) – No extra cost
- Black Mother of Pearl B.M.O.P. – (example) – Additional $35 over stock price
- Red Delrin – (example) This button came with a Bloodbath model for the 1st time on 2/6/21. No extra cost
According to Wikipedia, “G10 is a high-pressure fiberglass laminate, a type of composite material.It is created by stacking multiple layers of glass cloth, soaked in epoxy resin, and by compressing the resulting material under heat until the epoxy cures. It is manufactured in flat sheets, most often a few millimeters thick. G-10 is very similar to Micarta and carbon fiber laminates, because they are all resin-based laminates, except that the base material used is glass cloth. G-10 is the toughest of the glass fiber resin laminates and therefore the most commonly used.”
According to Billet Box Vapor, “G10 is, well….ummm, when fiberglass and phenolic resin love each other very much… ummm, ask your parents”
In 2016, Billet Box Vapor started making the stock panels out of G10 when they redesigned from R3 to R4.
You’ll see a lot people refer to a Billet Box as a Piebald or Firebald, etc. That refers to the button it came with Billet Box and that button is Mother of Pearl, an option that is more rare than the SS-B (Stainless Steel Button) or Delrin (Standard Black) button.
On the left, you have a regular RPG with the delrin button and on the right, you have an RPG Piebald with the Mother of Pearl button.
The Firebald refers to a Fawkes (red) Billet Box with the Mother of Pearl button.
If someone refers to a BB as Bluebald, you guessed it a BX9 (light blue) with Mother of Pearl. A Dirtpie is a little different in naming, but refers to a Dober (bronze/brown) with the MOP button.
There are other variations as well, for instance, the KÜRBIS (orange) and then KÜRBISKUCHEN is what they call a KÜRBIS with a Mother of Pearl button. Oh and KÜRBISKUCHEN is German for pumpkin pie.
When you find a rare, Blue Oyster, it’s an RNB with a Mother of Pearl button.
What is the difference between a Nug-Bald and a Fashion Nugget? According to BBV, the Fashion Nugget has a yellow Mother of Pearl button and the Nug-bald has a white MOP button like all the other piebalds.
In addition to this naming convention, if you see someone refer to a Billet Box as (insert color) Paua, they are referring to a device with the Abalone button.
Similarly, the last few drops have had Fish Eye Ultem buttons that they are calling F-U.
The list goes on, there are other combos that I did not mention here as well.
Late in 2020, Billet Box Vapor decided to let their anodizer go and started to Cerakote their devices in-house. After months of setting up and testing the process, they finally released new Billet Boxes. The initial Cerakote drop was on December 31, 2020 and they offered a white (Blanca) and a color-changing model (Chameleon). These new offerings have an updated rev number. They went from Rev 4B to Rev 4C.
Rev 4C is the next number in progression, but conveniently, C is also the 1st letter in Cerakote.
Unless they change their minds, all future models will be Cerakoted in-house rather than anodized.
Yes, there are several 3rd party Boros out there and available. Most of them are cosmetic for customizing the look of your Billet Box and some of them offer additional functionality. Mums makes a ton of different colors and their Boros also remove the need to have a condensation plug.
Be careful with 3rd party Boros and what material they are made of though. Some of them might not be resilient to certain types of acidic juices. Do your research. I haven’t had any trouble thus far.
From 2016 to 2018, Billet Box Vapor engraved their markings on the inside of the Rev4 G10 panels, on the control/tank side (example).
Since 2018, the year and logo are etched directly on the body, on the button side of the device instead (example).
In 2018, BBV created a special etching to celebrate the Chinese Year of the Dog. This engraving included Chinese characters, and the word “WOOF” (example).
To celebrate the year 2020, BBV created a special etching once again, this time with a monochromatic portrait of world-famous journalist Barbara Walters, and her famous tagline “This is 20/20”. I believe there were only 20 Boxes etched with this theme, and they all have a small #/20 serial number near the button (example).
Source: Billet Box Vapor
The stock screws in the Billet Box have 1.3mm hex heads. You can use a 1.3mm hex or a T5 Torx on them. It would probably be best to use the hex head to be careful. I have been using a T5 Torx with no issues though. One of the more commonly suggested drivers from Amazon is the Wera 1.3mm, 40mm driver.
The physical size of the Billet Box screws are as follows:
- 4x long screws for the fire/button plate are 2-56th x 1/4″
- 5x short screws for the negative battery lead and the control plate are 2-56th x 1/8″
When replacing screws with aftermarket screws, I recommend replacing the negative battery post screws one at a time. Also, never use screws on the negative battery post that are not metal. If you replace the negative battery post screws and your Billet Box stops working, check the underside of the negative battery post screws and make sure a coating on the bottom of the screw head is not preventing contact with the surface.
Billet Box Info and Billet Box Vapor have a great working relationship.
While I am not an employee of Billet Box Vapor, I have volunteered to help them with some branding, website help, and design ideas. Some you’ve seen, some you may see in the future. I have not been financially compensated for anything that I have helped Billet Box Vapor with.
The owners of Billet Box Vapor and I have become friends over the years as well.
I have to amend this and state that, while I have not received any money from the company, I have received a few gifts which include the “Das Terror Bunny“.